you are nominating yourself for

Sustainable Marketing Initiative

This award recognizes a marketing campaign or initiative in the healthcare sector that has effectively integrated sustainability and ethical practices. It focuses on campaigns that not only promote health services but also demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical marketing.

Details before you nominate yourself

Important Information

The aim is to honour initiatives that balance marketing objectives with a positive impact on society and the environment.

  • Teams or individuals from various healthcare sectors, including hospitals, diagnostic labs, wellness centres, physiotherapy clinics, individual clinics, and government hospitals, have led or been involved in sustainable marketing initiatives.
  • Professionals from healthcare marketing agencies or consultancies focusing on sustainable and ethical marketing practices.
  • Freelancers or independent consultants with expertise in sustainable healthcare marketing.

Non Members : INR 5000
AHMP Member : INR 2000

To be announced soon!

For any queries, reach out to AHMP India Foundation office at +91 6359 799 979 or email

Nomination has ended!

Try again Next Time!

We've received our set of candidates for this award, stay tuned for next Mastero Awards!
