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AHMP Ascent, Blogpost, Transform with AHMP India

The Art of Healthcare Branding: Creating Lasting Impressions in the Medical World

In India’s bustling and diverse healthcare landscape, with cutting-edge medical technologies, the challenge for healthcare providers to distinguish themselves is even more pronounced. Amidst this rich tapestry of medical services, branding isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity for survival and success.

AHMP India Foundation

2 min read

AHMP Ascent, Blogpost, Transform with AHMP India

Unveiling the 5 C’s of Effective Healthcare Marketing Strategy

In the intricate landscape of healthcare marketing, clarity in strategy is not just beneficial; it’s essential. A well-defined marketing strategy is an integrated pattern of decisions that outlines an organisation’s approach to products, markets, activities, and resources. This strategic clarity is crucial in creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers, thereby enabling the organisation to achieve its objectives.

AHMP India Foundation

2 min read

AHMP Ascent, Blogpost, Transform with AHMP India

Talking the Talk: Mastering Voice Search Optimization in Healthcare Content Marketing

With healthcare content marketing, staying ahead means embracing the latest trends. Currently, Voice Search Optimization (VSO) is making waves in the digital age. Did you know that your voice is the new keyboard? Data shows that an astonishing half of the population in the United States is already conversing with their devices daily. In India, voice search queries in India have grown 270% year-over-year.

AHMP India Foundation

4 min read
